

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Dave Lawrence

2023 Record: 2-16
District 11 Tournament Births:  2008, 2010, 2019
Notable Alumni: Andres Barrero  1st team MVC 2004
                           Liam O'Leary 1st team MVC 2007
                           Edgar Sanchez 1st Team MVC 2008, 
                           Josh Miller  1st Team MVC 2012,. MVC Scholar Athlete 2012 
                           Chris Tambasco 1st Team EPC 2018, 2019, All State Nomination 2018, 2019
                           Josh Kalinock 2nd Team EPC 2020
                           JD Greeley 2nd Team EPC 2020

Program Expectations:

The Pocono Mt West Boys Team is dedicated to providing quality soccer instruction at a competitive level.   The season runs from mid-August to November, and off season work outs are provided year round.  The goal of this program is to qualify for the district tournament every year and be in contention for league playoffs.   As we strive to achieve this goal we expect to play competitively every game, and do it with sportsmanship and class.