- West Junior High School
- Student Assistance Program
Student Assistance Program
* The Student Assistance Program is a state mandated program that is comprised of school counselors, school nurses, building level administrators, a probation officer, a drug & alcohol counselor, and a mental health coordinator.
* The goal of SAP is to determine what services are appropriate and available for a referred student.
* Students can refer themselves, or can be referred by a parent, peer, counselor/teacher/any other school faculty member.
* Recommendations by the SAP team are suggestions made after a review of all pertinent information from school personnel. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to follow through with recommendations.
* Recommendations can range from participation in an in-school group, referrals for a mental health or drug & alcohol assessment, or various other levels of intervention.
* The online WJHS SAP Referral Form can be found here.If you have any questions regarding SAP, please email Mr. Hassenbein at khassenbein@pmsd.org