• Students have the opportunity to participate in FREE test preparation for the new SAT by logging on to this website:  www.khanacademy.org/sat
    The site offers diagnostic quizzes and interactive practice tests.
    SAT Information - for those students with an IEP

    The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Reasoning Test is the test that most colleges require for admittance. It is offered several times each year at a cost of approximately $53. Fee waivers are available in the Guidance Office for students who are on free or reduced lunch.

    Many Community Colleges and Technical schools do not require students to take the SAT. Students/parents should check with their Guidance Counselor if they have a question regarding a specific college/technical school.

    For those students wishing to apply to a four-year college, the SAT is usually required.

    If your son/daughter currently receives testing accommodations (as stated in their current IEP) they can apply for accommodations on the SAT. Once this application is complete, and accommodations are approved, the student does not have to apply again for the duration of his/her high school career.

    Students wishing to apply for accommodations are urged to apply in their Sophomore year. Applications are available in the Guidance office.

    After students/parents are notified that accommodations have been approved, they must register to take the test. Registration can be done online at www.collegeboard.com.