• The Clear Run Intermediate School Choral Program has over 400 participating students. 4th, 5th, and 6th students have their own grade level concerts, one in the winter and one in the spring.  
    Chorus takes place during the school day, during general music classes. The intermediate school chorus experience introduces the foundation of good choral singing, such as proper breath control, diction, intonation, and good singing posture. Participation in chorus helps students understand the importance and responsibility of working together as part of a group, as well as to develop skills and attitudes that will encourage them to use their singing voice as lifelong musical instruments.
    CRIS Chorale is an extra-curricular activity held before school. Auditions are held for this group at the beginning of the school year. These students perform more challenging repertoire, which is performed around the community.
    Both groups are directed by Ms. Shoshana Harris.
    Any questions about upcoming events, please email Ms. Harris at sharris@pmsd.org