Pocono Mountain West Junior High School

To Prepare All Students for Tomorrow’s Challenges and Opportunities

Scrolling Announcements


  • WJHS

    Welcome to Pocono Mountain West Junior High School.  WJHS is a 7th and 8th grade building, serving approximately 700 students.  We are one of two junior high schools within the Pocono Mountain School District.  Please use the links on this webpage to access information regarding our school and services provided for your children. 

    At Pocono Mountain West Junior High School, our mission is to meet the academic and developmental needs of students, to encourage responsible citizenship, and to challenge students to strive for personal excellence.

    Pocono Mountain...preparing all students for tomorrow's challenges and opportunities. 

  • WJHS Cell Phone Policy
  • WJHS Dress Code Policy
  • PMSD Student AUP Policy