Welcome to SIS! We have 3 guidance counselors here at SIS. Ms. Byers works with grade 4, Mrs. Jacoby grade 5, and Ms. Ditze grade 6.
As school counselors, we support students emotionally, behaviorally, and academically. We work closely with the teachers to assist students as needed so they can grow, develop, and work to their potential. We follow the American School Counselor Association’s National Standards for school counseling, and we also reinforce our school-wide behavior support program where students are expected to be Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Dependable, and Empathetic so they can show SIS PRIDE.
We as counselors are here to assist your children if needed. If we can help you in any way, feel free to give us a call. We are looking forward to a great year!
Mackenzie Byers, ext. 60464
Andrea Jacoby, ext. 60462
Deidre Ditze, ext. 60461