For your convenience, absence notes may be submitted via email to secattendance@pmsd.org.

    Please note...We can only accept absence notes for SEC students.  Please DO NOT send absence notes if your child attends school in another building in our district. If you need to feel you need to speak with someone directly, you can contact one of our Administrative Assistants at 570-839-7121 extension 29418.


    The school district must receive a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian for any absence(s) within three (3) school days of one’s return to school or after ten (10) consecutive days of absence. The principal or designee will review the excuse to determine whether or not the absence is excused. If an excuse is not received within three (3) days of one’s return to school or after ten (10) consecutive days of absence, the absence will be recorded as unexcused and, when appropriate, unlawful. All unexcused absences shall be recorded as unlawful for students of compulsory school age.  For more specific details consult the handbook...see page 95 of the

    Elementary_Handbook 2023-2024.