• Dear Parents and Guardians,
    College Board & Khan Academy

    College Board, the nonprofit organization behind the SAT exam, has partnered with the Khan Academy to make SAT test preparation materials available for free starting June 2, 2015. Khan Academy is well-known for its free library of online academic instructional videos. This partnership between College Board and Khan Academy will put high-quality training within the reach of all students without having to spend money for commercial test-prep resources or services.
    In addition to instructional videos, students will find practice quizzes,  practice tests, interactive practices, and access to instant feedback aligned to the new SAT format. Questions they answer incorrectly will show the specific skills on which they need to improve, offer step-by-step explanations, and recommend personalized practice tutorials from the Khan Academy library. In addition to the development of this great resource, the College Board is partnering with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America to promote the new program in communities where students may not have home computers.


    Dr. Catherine Sweeney,
    Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction