Head Coach-Girls' Tennis



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Mizenko has been the varsity girls' tennis coach at PM East since 2024. He has also been an elementary teacher since he started teaching at Pocono Mountain in 2002. He has been playing tennis since he was a freshman in high school, and has been a coach at Pocono Mountain since 2002, previously coaching basketball and baseball. Education: Masters degree in Educational Leadership from Wilkes University. Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Bloomsburg University.

Mr. Cory Mizenko

Team Accomplishments:


Season Record: 2-14.

Elizabeth Trott qualified for the District XI singles tournament.

Elizabeth Trott and Samantha Christman qualified for the District XI doubles tournament.

EPC All Conference 2nd Team - Elizabeth Trott


Season Record: 2-14. Finished 14th in the EPC.

Elizabeth Trott - 4th place in the EPC tournament. 3rd place in the District XI 3A singles tournament.

Elizabeth Trott and Samantha Christman qualified for the District XI doubles tournament.


Season Record: 2-14. Finished 14th in DXI 3a. Finished 14th in the EPC.


Season Record: 2-15. Finished 15th in DXI 3A. Finished 15th in the EPC.


Season Record: 7-3. *Shortened Season due to Covid.

District XI Team Tournament Qualifiers: fourth seed earned with a regular season record of 7-2. First DXI team tournament qualification since 2009.

EPC All-Conference Monroe Division First Team Singles: Sarah Naughton (7-2). 

EPC All-Conference Monroe Division First Team Doubles 2020-2021: Allyson Mettler and Amelia Hnasko (7-2). 

District XI Singles Tournament Qualifier: Sarah Naughton (7-2, fifth seed). 

District XI Doubles Tournament Qualifiers: Sarah Naughton and Sabela Zablackis (8th seed), Allyson Mettler and Amelia Hnasko (7-2). 


EPC Tournament Qualifiers: Sarah Naughton (10-5, first singles quarterfinalist) , Samantha Passmore (9-6, second singles quarterfinalist), Jessica Passmore (11-4, third singles semifinalist, 3rd place medal). 

EPC All-Conference Third Team Singles: Sarah Naughton (10-5). 

District XI Singles Tournament Qualifiers: Sarah Naughton (10-5, 4th seed, quarterfinalist), Samantha Passmore (9-6, round of 16), Jessica Passmore (11-4). 

District XI Doubles Tournament Qualifiers: Sarah Naughton and Samantha Passmore made it to the round of 16.

Program Expectations/Coaching Philosophy:

I want my players to improve not only as athletes but as people, too. Having fun and getting better every day is key.

Upcoming Season Goals:

To consistently improve upon the athlete's abilities.

Off-Season Programs/Summer Camp Announcements: