Girls' Basketball-Head Coach



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Gemmell has been the varsity coach of the girls' basketball team since 2023. She received a scholarship to East Stroudsburg University where she is in the top five for career steals. In addition, she is one of only six players with 5+ in 4 statistic categories. She also played on the East Stroudsburg University soccer and rugby teams. At Council Rock North High School, she was a four year letter winner in basketball and soccer. She is a member of the Lioness travel team and YAPM. She is currently a licensed real estate agent, and trades in the stock market and invests in real estate in her free time. Education: Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality from East Stroudsburg University.

Ms. Helena Gemmell

Team Website/Social Media Link:

Twitter: @pmegbb.
Instagram: @pmegbb.

Live Game Feed Link:

Team Accomplishments:


Season Record: 3-18. Finished 18th in the EPC.


Season Record: 10-13. Finished 3rd in DXI and 3rd in the EPC North Division

Jayla South - 3rd Team EPC All Conference Team


Season Record: 6-16. Finished 12th in DXI 6A and 5th in the EPC North Division


Season Record: 7-4. *Shortened season due to Covid

Isabella Horvath - Mountain Division First Team 

Isabella Horvath, Zoë Cruz, Anayah Williams - Honorable Mention for Morning Call

Program Expectations/Coaching Philosophy:

Hard work beats talent every day.

Upcoming Season Goals:

I want to develop player growth, both athletically and academically.

Off-Season Programs/Summer Camp Announcements:

The grind never stops!