• Welcome to the Pocono Mountain School District Transportation Department.  Pocono Mountain School District is partnering with First Student Inc. to provide regular and special education transportation services for students that reside in the Pocono Mountain School District.  The Transportation Department through its support of educational programs provides safe, efficient and quality transportation to all students.  The Transportation Department utilizes a state of the art routing system and CDC data to provide a safe environment for all students. The Transportation Department can assist families new to the area in determining which school their child/children will attend. 

  • Parents may call the transportation office for assistance

    East Transportation

    570-839-7121 ext. 30437

    First Student (East) - 570-839-7121 ext. 30430


    West Transportation

    570-839-7121 ext. 31422

    First Student (West) - 570-839-7121 ext. 31420

Welcome Back
  • Parent Home Screening Checklist:

    Parents of students attending the In-Person Hybrid Program should conduct a health screening of their children each morning before school following the


    Parents should keep children home from school when children have a fever or do not feel well.

  • Pennsylvania School Bus Stopping Law Keeping Kids Safe Click Here

    School Bus Stopping Chart


    School Bus Cameras

    Parents/Guardians/Students: Please be aware that school buses and vans are equipped with audio and video capabilities to ensure safety on buses. Students are expected to act responsibly, respect the school bus driver and follow bus rules for a safe ride to and from school.

    For additional information regarding audio and video surveillance, please refer to Board Policy No. 810.1  CLICK HERE TO REVIEW POLICY.