- Pocono Mountain School District
- Immunization Requirements
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School Health Program
Mandated by Pennsylvania Law
Pennsylvania Public School Code Article 14Immunizations Required for Children Entering ALL Grades
Number of Doses
1 dose on or after the 4th birthdayUsually given as DTaP, DT, or Td
1 dose on or after the 4th birthday
Hepatitis B
Usually given as MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
Usually given as MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Vaccine or history of disease
Rubella (German Measles)
Usually given as MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
Additional Immunizations Required for 7th Grade Students
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
Meningococcal Vaccine (MCV)
Additional Immunizations Required for 12th Grade Students
ONE (1) MCV on the first day of 12th grade. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that shall count as the twelfth grade dose. Learn more about other immunizations that are recommended for your child at: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules/default.htm
Children not up to date with all required immunizations may be removed from school during a disease outbreak. Pennsylvania’s school immunization requirements can be found in 28 PA CODE CH.23 (School immunizations)
No child will be admitted to school without providing the appropriate immunization information to the school nurse. Pennsylvania law states a child must have at least one dose of each of the required vaccines in order to attend school on a provisional basis.NEW FOR 2017-2018 SCHOOL VACCINATIONS2) Physical Examinations
The PA school code requires physical examinations for grades K, 6, 11, or upon original entry in Pennsylvania schools. The physical examinations may be obtained from your private physician up to 1 year prior to the student starting the grade. If there are financial hardships or special situations, the school physical examination can be completed by the school physician with written permission.
Please keep the school nurse informed of medical problems and limitations of activities as they occur throughout your child’s school life. The school nurse can help modify a student’s activities if needed.
3) Dental Examinations
The PA school code requires dental examinations in grades K, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and all transfer students out of state.
4) Hearing Screenings
All students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, and students in special education will have a hearing test given by the school nurse. Students will also be screened on an as needed basis.
5) Vision Screenings
Vision screening testing visual acuity shall be conducted yearly on every child, grades K through 12. Additional tests are conducted at certain grade levels and may include tests for near vision, amblyopia, color perception, and stereopsis. Students will also be screened on an as needed basis.
6) Height and Weight Screenings
Your child’s height, weight, and BMI percentile is completed yearly in grades K through 12.
7) Scoliosis Screenings
Scoliosis screening is mandated in grades 6 and 7. If deviations from normal are detected during any screening, the student will be referred to his/her private physician for further evaluation and possible treatment. Referral forms for the appropriate screening will be either mailed to you or sent home with the student. Please have your physician complete the form, and return it to the Nurse’s Office at your earliest convenience.
The goal of these routine screenings is to help detect problems that could affect your child’s ability to learn or threaten optimum health. Good health is required for optimal learning. The school nurse assists students in attaining a high level of wellness.
Having regular (at least yearly) visits to your family doctor and dentist are an important part of maintaining your child’s health. Family physicians and dentists are familiar with your child and thus are better able to detect physical/dental changes. Your physician/dentist is able to begin immediate treatment if indicated and can follow through with needed care and immunization boosters.