• Pocono Mountain School District  Health and Wellness

    Mission: “To educate, support, and empower students, staff and faculty to improve and maintain their overall health, well-being and safety through healthy lifestyle choices and creating a culture of wellness throughout the Pocono Mountain School District Community.”


Our goal is to provide wellness options through education, activities and presentations

  • About the Health Advisory Council

    Vision Statement –To promote an educational setting that supports healthy lifestyle choices by valuing individual health and creating a safe and supportive school community environment.

    The PMSD Health Advisory Council includes school administrators, district administrators, food service, school nurses, school counselors, community partners, parents, and St. Luke’s Health Network, Prevention Coordinator and students.

    The PMSD Health Advisory Council reviews PAYS survey data, SAP data and building based to create health improvement plans at the district level and K-12 building level. These plans address policies, curricula, partnerships with schools, communities, and families, and initiatives to promote healthy behaviors which enhance learning and academic success.

PMSD is committed to the safety, health and welfare of our students, staff, and our community

  • Promoting Health and Learning at PMSD

    The Health Advisory Council promotes quality health education, programs, supports for students and staff, community connections and programs, as well as promoting overall healthy lifestyles for students, faculty and staff.

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  • PMSD Wellnes Policy
  • Food Services
  • Food Allergy Policy
  • Student Fund Raising

PMSD Wellness Goals

  • GOAL 1 - To provide and promote a safe and supportive school environment, as well as, health, social, emotional and physical development.

  • GOAL 2 - To increase protective factors and decrease risk factors for the overall health and wellness of students K-12 

  • GOAL 3 - Sustain a healthy school environment for healthy eating and physical activity.

  • GOAL 4 - To promote a healthy school environment to meet the health and wellness needs of PMSD staff.